Medical Questions
Can MedMassager help treat Restless Legs Syndrome?
Typically, using the MedMassager body massager on both legs or using the foot massager at a medium speed will help relieve your restless leg syndrome.
Can MedMassager help with diabetes?
Diabetes is a serious condition that should be monitored by your medical doctor. We strongly recommend consulting with your provider before attempting treatments such as medical massages.
Does insurance or Medicare cover MedMassager devices?
Depending on your insurance plan, you may be reimbursed for all or part of the purchase of a MedMassager. This typically depends on a specific medical condition and a doctor's recommendation deeming medical massagers necessary. Medicare does not currently cover MedMassager devices.
How does MedMassager help reduce inflammation?
MedMassager promotes enhanced blood circulation through targeted oscillation. This increased blood flow reduces inflammation by speeding up the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to affected areas, helping tissues heal and recover more efficiently.
Is MedMassager endorsed by the American Diabetes Association?
Although the American Diabetes Association does not endorse specific medical devices, the MedMassager team has been involved with the ADA for many years in research, advocacy, and the support of therapeutic treatments.
How long should I treat my plantar fasciitis?
Plantar fasciitis can take several weeks to resolve whether using the MedMassager or receiving professional clinical treatment. Treating at home is more cost efficient in the long run and much more convenient. Make sure you review the "Advanced Techniques" in our user manual.
Can I use MedMassager if I am on Coumadin?
Coumadin is a blood thinner that increases the risk of bruising and bleeding. Always consult your doctor before using a medical massage device if you are taking Coumadin.
Can MedMassager help reduce spider veins?
We recommend consulting your doctor before using the MedMassager on spider veins, as severity can vary from patient to patient. However, if your doctor approves its use, many patients see great results as it works to restore circulation in the feet and legs while stimulating blood flow.
Can the MedMassager help my paraneoplastic pemphigus?
Paraneoplastic pemphigus is a serious condition usually manifesting in cancer patients, causing blisters on the skin. We don’t recommend any cancer patients to use the MedMassager due to potential complications as well as the breakage of skin blisters risking infection.
Can MedMassager help with multiple sclerosis (MS)?
MedMassager aids in relaxing muscle spasms caused by MS, temporarily reducing pain and discomfort.
Can MedMassager treat fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS)?
FMS is a complex and often unpredictable nerve and muscle condition believed to be caused by nerve hypersensitivity resulting in pain and muscle spasms. MedMassager devices are helpful for reducing pain and muscle spasms, although effectiveness can vary by patient.
Can the MedMassager help bring back color in my legs and eliminate purple discoloration?
The discoloration in your lower leg is from of iron leaking from the leg veins into the surrounding tissues, caused by poor circulation or also called peripheral vascular disease (PVD). The MedMassager helps stimulate blood circulation and therefore can help reduce this discoloration.
Can MedMassager help restore feeling in my feet?
While individual results may vary, many people who use MedMassager report regaining some feeling in their feet. The oscillating nature of the massaging effect helps reduce swelling in the feet, which can improve nerve function.
My doctor advised against using massagers due to my neuropathy; is this applicable to MedMassager?
Your doctor is the most reliable source when deciding whether to use additional medical devices. Since MedMassager is an oscillating machine, we recommend consulting with your doctor to determine if it is appropriate for your specific condition.
How can the MedMassager help my arthritis?
Joints that are worn down by arthritis become unstable, putting your muscles, tendons, and ligaments in an abnormal position that causes inflammation and irritation in the tissue. The MedMassager helps stimulate swollen areas to give temporary relief to arthritic pain.
Can MedMassager help with pain from Achilles tendon surgery?
Achilles tendon tears are common in active individuals as they age, and aging tendons tend to have less elasticity and are more prone to tears that remain tight even after surgical procedures. MedMassager helps relax the tendon, reducing tightness and soreness.
Does MedMassager help with tension headaches?
Tension headaches are often caused by tight muscles in the shoulders and back of the neck. Using MedMassager to massage the tender points on both sides of the neck can relax these muscles and reduce the intensity of headaches.
What is a chronic pain cycle, and how does MedMassager help?
A chronic pain cycle typically involves intense pain caused by muscle spasms in the lower back. The muscles tighten, and lactic acid builds up, causing irritation and repeated spasms. MedMassager helps by dilating blood vessels, which allows for internal tissue cleansing and reduction in muscle pain.
Is it safe to use MedMassager in areas where I've had compression fractures?
If you have had compression fractures, especially in the spine, consult with your doctor before using MedMassager or any at-home massage treatment. Avoid massaging directly over the spine.
Can I use MedMassager on my neck after having a cervical spine fusion?
Consult your doctor before using any massaging device after cervical spine fusion surgery. It is generally best to allow the bones and tissues in the neck to heal for at least 6 months before beginning any at-home massage treatment.
Why does my skin itch after using MedMassager?
Initial use of MedMassager may cause skin irritation due to the release of built-up lactic acid within inactive muscles. If irritation worsens, discontinue use and consult a medical provider.
Can MedMassager help with bunions?
MedMassager's foot massager can provide relief from pain and inflammation associated with bunions and other arthritic conditions. However, it is advisable to consult a podiatrist or orthopedic surgeon for a comprehensive long-term treatment plan.
Can MedMassager assist in weight loss?
There is no medical evidence linking any massage technique to weight loss. However, MedMassager stimulates tissue cells to absorb fluids more efficiently, which can help with the loss of water weight.
Can MedMassager be used to alleviate menstrual cramps?
The body massager is safe to use during your menstrual cycle and can provide relief from cramping pain by stimulating the lower back and tummy area, depending on individual comfort levels.
Is MedMassager safe for pregnant women?
Due to potential complications in the uterus and an increased risk of blood clots, we do not recommend that pregnant women use the MedMassager.
Can MedMassager irritate or create blood clots?
We do not recommend using any type of massage device over areas prone to blood clots. Always consult with a doctor before attempting home treatment if you suffer from blood clotting disorders.
Is MedMassager safe for individuals with Multiple Sclerosis or Parkinson's disease?
MedMassager devices are safe to use for individuals with Multiple Sclerosis or Parkinson's disease. However, the level of comfort and effectiveness will depend on the severity of each individual's symptoms.
Can I use MedMassager if I have a pacemaker?
Since a pacemaker is an electronic device, MedMassager should not be used in the area where the pacemaker is implanted to avoid any interference. There are no electrical waves produced by MedMassager.